The Foundation Series is designed to help you understand more about who we are, how you can mature as a follower of Jesus, and how you can be involved in what God is doing here. We typically offer one session in the Series each month, and you may take them in any order. When you've completed all four, we invite you to consider making us your church home through membership.


People believe all different kinds of things when it comes to religion and spirituality. This session is designed to teach you the basic Christian principles we believe and live by at Foundation Church. It's about our theology on the Trinity, what we believe about Jesus, the purpose of the church, and many other foundational truths that are important for Christians to be grounded in.


Learn what it means to experience the freedom that comes from getting rid of the heavy burdens from your past. We will discuss what the Bible says about growing in forgiveness and maturity to overcome sin in your life.


Gain an understanding of spiritual gifts, how they fit into God's mission of the church and how they practically translate into service here at Foundation Church. There will also be an opportunity to locate specific areas of service we offer that interest you.


Hear Foundation stories, vision and values, and expect to come away with a greater sense of who we are and where we are headed as a family. This step is helpful for anyone who is interested in the history and core beliefs of Foundation Church.